Shock Collar Question – October 4

Recently I was hanging out with my good friend… International Pop Sensation, Ed Sheeran… and he said something to me… to the effect of “My bad habits lead to late nights starin’ alone.” And I told him “Ted, that’s a hit song right there.”… And he said “actually, it’s Ed” & I said “Pipe down Ned. I have an idea… Bad habits.”….. And made me think ‘What are some of the most annoying bad habits?’

So I immediately got to work… and used my thousands of dollars in royalties from Co-writing that song with Jed…. to survey1000 people about the Most Annoying Bad Habits people can have.

And your challenge today… is to name Top 5 most common responses in a good ole fashioned game of “Unglued Family Feud”

We’ll go around the room… If you name an answer in the top 5, you’ll be safe… if you’re the last person left without a correct answer you’ll be shocked by an electric dog collar while singing a song.

We’ll start with Alexis…. tell me what’s one of the most Annoying Bad Habits?