Shock Collar Question – September 19

The calendar may say September… but according to my watch… it’s “Beer O’Clock”… at least that’s true over in Munich, Germany …where Oktoberfest is OFFICIALLY Underway! The 2-WEEK LONG beer festival… thats been going strong EVERY YEAR…. since 1810…

If you’ve never been… Imagine Dozens of GIANT TENS filled with people (young & old) dressed in their Leiderhosen… Live Bands playing traditional Bavarian Folk music…. Carnival Rides… and people scarf down German Sausages & Pretzels the size of your head…

So while the Germans…are out drinking suds with their buds… we’re going to serve up four frosty mugs of trivia all about the 200 year old festival of fermentation…. In a special one & done, lagers, steins and Schnitzel times… Shock Collar Question of the Day…