Shock Collar Question – January 31

McDonald's Restaurant. McDonald's is offering employees higher hourly wages, paid time off, and tuition payments.

Photo: jetcityimage / iStock Editorial / Getty Images

On this day back in 1990, McDonalds opened its very first Russian location in Moscow…

30,000 people stood in line … waiting for HOURS in the sub-freezing temperatures… just to experience the pure joy of saying: (Russian accent) “Super-Size Me”

That location thrived for 30 years…until a certain Russian President chose to invade Ukraine… and McDonald’s said: “Nah nah nah nah nah… We’re NOT loving it” – and closed ALL their Russian stores.

But, Mickey D’s OBVIOUSLY wasn’t the First or Last American business to TRY & expand internationally…

Today you’ll be quizzed on MORE…. during a special: Applebees Overseas Edition of Plenty of Twenty.