Are you an existing business owner or are you starting a new business?
Or may be you want to explore the idea of starting a business?
Small Business Basics has information vital to your success.
Join us for a six-session series to learn about a variety of business topics pertinent to owning and running a small business.
This is a 6-part series that will take place on the following dates at the DLAB (18 E. Main Street).
Each session will be from 8:30 – 11:30 am. You can also find the topic and dates for each session below.
When you sign up for this, you are signing up for all six-sessions. In order to get the most out of this programming, we ask for you to be present at each session.
- Session 1: March 3
Entrepreneurship – Planning for Success
Beginning Your Business PlanLegal Structures for Business - Session 2: March 10Sales/Use/Excise Taxes
Pricing Products and Service - Session 3: March 31
Marketing/Social Media Marketing
Creating a Culture of Service/Hospitality - Session 4: April 7
Human Resources
Employer Service
- Session 5: April 14
Financial Statements
Business Innovation - Session 6: April 21
Financing Preparation/Resources
Session topics may be in different order based on speaker availability.
Registration deadline is February 14.
Financial assistance is available. Please contact to inquire.